Tumbling Teddies
The gymnastics and trampoline class begins with a song and dance to warm-up before moving onto the equipment stationed around the gym.
The coach will follow a fun and thoughtfully prepared session plan, which will develop the child’s core movement skills (balance, coordination, strength, flexibility), in addition to their listening skills, ability to follow instructions and their overall confidence.
These skills can be used in every day life and/or to give a great platform to build other sports upon.
Trials are available upon request by emailing reception@buryspectrumgymnastics.co.uk
Class Times
Monday- 12:45pm-1:45pm & 1:45pm-2:45pm
Tuesday- 12:45pm-1:45pm
Wednesday- 1:45pm-2:45pm
Friday- 12:45pm-1:45pm & 1:45pm-2:45pm
Kanga & Joey
For ages 2.5-5 years.
These gymnastics and trampoline classes are run in a similar way to our Tumbling Teddies programme and are a good starting point if a child is not quite ready to attend a class on their own, or simply because you want to be part of the fun too!
You will be there, to actively support your child in learning new skills, under the coach’s instruction.
Trials are available upon request or by by emailing reception@buryspectrumgymnastics.co.uk
Class Times
Tuesday- 1:45pm-2:45pm
Pre-School Class Prices
Classes usually run in 8 week terms and cost £56 + an annual British Gymnastics membership fee of £23 which runs for one full year from the 1st of the month in which you join the club.
If you would like to enroll onto one of the above classes please scroll to the bottom of this page and book below, if you would like to have a trial session first, please scroll down and book below or contact reception on 01284 700866 or email-reception@buryspectrumgymnastics.co.uk
CURRENT TERM AVAILABILITY (3rd January-28th February)
NEW TERM AVAILABILITY (3rd March-15th May)