Movie Night
Children’s Fundraising Movie Night
Don’t forget to select the quantity of tickets you require before clicking the ‘Book’ button!
Children's Disco
Tickets are now on sale for our FOBS fundraising Children’s Disco, all members, friends and family welcome!
Please see below for more information and to book.

Cake & Leotard Sale!
Can your young gymnast get creative in the kitchen?
Are you a demon with a whisk and can you knock up THE BEST tray of cupcakes?
Has your gymnast outgrown their beautiful leotards and they're now just taking up valuable drawer space?
Then we need your help!
Join us on Saturday 28th September 2024 for a LEOTARD & CAKE SALE!!
Taking place at Bury Spectrum Gymnastics Club from 9am - 12pm, come along and support your favourite gymnastics club!
We will have rails of fabulous pre-loved leotards which will be in search for new homes!
If you have a few outgrown leotards and would love to donate to the sale, please feel free to drop them into reception before our sale on Saturday 28th. Thank you so much for your support!
Spectrum Club BBQ 2024
Please click ‘Book’ below to book your tickets, before the 10th July. Please note that you will need to add the number of Senior (£5), Junior (£3) and Infant (£0) tickets to your booking prior to moving to the payment page.
Any additional food item you would be willing to provide on the day would be gratefully received. (i.e. Salads, Rice, Crisps, Cakes, Deserts etc. a full list can be found on reception, please pop your name down to save duplicating items)
If you’d like to help out at the event please email Jean on
Thank You for Supporting Your Club!
Children's Disco
Tickets are now on sale for our FOBS fundraising Children’s Disco, all members, friends and family welcome!
Please see below for more information and to book.
FOBS Fun Day
Come and join our team for a day of fun and activities and Neo pop-up leotard stall (pre-ordering available, scroll down for more info)……….
We are excited to share with you that we will be having a Neo Leotard pop up shop attending gym on Sunday 22nd October for Our Spectrum Fun Day Event.
You may have seen a few gymnasts already wearing these extremely sparkly leotards around gym.
10% of each leotard sold goes back to Bury Spectrum (all money raised will help towards equipment for the gym)
If you would like to pre order to guarantee arrival and to wear on the day for the photo shoot please follow the link below.
Please click on the first option on shipping and in special instructions write (Bury spectrum) this way you won't be charged postage and packaging and these will come ready for the event.
Spectrum Club BBQ
Please click the relevant button below to book your tickets. Please note that you will need to book Adult tickets and Children’s’ tickets separately as two separate transactions. Toddler (under 3’s) tickets are free, you do not need to book these.
Any additional food item you would be willing to provide on the day would be gratefully received. (i.e. Salads, Rice, Crisps, Cakes, Deserts etc. a full list can be found on reception, please pop your name down to save duplicating items)
Any raffle prizes for the event would also be gratefully received and can be handed in to reception before the event date.
If you’d like to help out at the event please email Jean on
Thank You for Supporting Your Club!
Bag2School Collection
Our last Bag2School collection raised the club £60!!- Thank you so much to everyone who donated.
We have arranged another collection for 28th September at 9am, so please do bare us in mind when swapping over your summer wardrobes.
We will be gratefully receiving donations between 21st September -27th September.
Please see below items that Bag2School do/do not accept-
We accept the following ‘good quality’ items for RE-USE*:
Men’s, Ladies’ and Children’s clothing
Paired shoes (tied together or elastic band around)
Scarves and ties
Household linen
Household curtains
Household towels
Household bedding (bed sheets, pillow cases and duvet covers)
* We reserve the right to refuse any unsuitable items
We DO NOT accept:
Duvets and blankets
Pillows and cushions
Carpets, rugs and mats (including bath, shower and toilet mats)
Soiled, painted, ripped or wet clothing
School uniforms with and without logo
Corporate clothing and workwear
Textile off cuts, yarns or threaded material

Ukraine Fundraiser-Free Play Sessions- Sunday 15th May
Free play sessions for under 10's. £5.30 per child. £5 of this is donated straight to the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal.
Parents/Guardians must remain within the gym hall and will be responsible for their children for the entirety of the session.
Please note- Bookings can be made up until the session start time, but CANNOT be cancelled/refunded once made.
For Health & Safety, older children will need to ensure that they are considerate of younger children in attendance.
Squad gymnast attendees will only be permitted to do limited skills.
To book, please copy and paste the link below into your browser-

Bag2School Collection
Our last Bag2School collection raised the club £60!!- Thank you so much to everyone who donated.
We have arranged another collection for 5th October at 9am, so please do bare us in mind when swapping over your summer wardrobes.
We will be gratefully receiving donations between 28th September -4th October.
Please see below items that Bag2School do/do not accept-
We accept the following ‘good quality’ items for RE-USE*:
Men’s, Ladies’ and Children’s clothing
Paired shoes (tied together or elastic band around)
Scarves and ties
Household linen
Household curtains
Household towels
Household bedding (bed sheets, pillow cases and duvet covers)
* We reserve the right to refuse any unsuitable items
We DO NOT accept:
Duvets and blankets
Pillows and cushions
Carpets, rugs and mats (including bath, shower and toilet mats)
Soiled, painted, ripped or wet clothing
School uniforms with and without logo
Corporate clothing and workwear
Textile off cuts, yarns or threaded material

We will be holding another stall on 26th June between 9am and 4:30pm. We will not be taking any more donations of bric-a-brac but if anyone has any secondhand leotards that they would like to donate to the stall, then these would be very much appreciated. Please bring any leotards in prior to the 19th June so that we can isolate these items before putting them on sale.
We also have some exciting news for our gymnasts… starting from 12th June, gymnasts will be able to vote for the coach that they would like to see take part in an ICE BUCKET CHALLENGE!!
Gymnasts can vote by bringing in a £1 coin and placing this in the appropriate pot at reception for the coach that they would like to see covered in ice cold water!! The coaches who have very bravely put their names forward are- Lynsey, Claire and Jo. We will be writing down the names of the gymnasts who have voted so that we can draw the name of the gymnast who gets to pour the bucket!! The challenge will take place at the end of the Bric-a Brac stall at 4:30pm so make sure you come along!!